A "woman" decides after seventy years,that what she goes there for, is to unlock the door...While those around "her" criticize and sleep...

I feel terrible and it’s no because they criticize me and sleep, it’s because I feel I’ve failed as a mom-dad.
For long time I’ve been absent, distant, weird for those who love me or keep in touch with me often, anyways I was grieving and couldn’t, until I "found the solution" or at least I think I found it, spit it up. Of course I did it a few days ago with the people I love and have, as usual, support.
Facts are that my son is suffering aggressive pursuit in the school from a Muslim classmate since long time ago. It is inevitable to use the word "Muslim" to explain it? YES IT IS.
Day by day my son receive kicks in his stomach, all kind of insults, punches from this future "delinquent-rapist-murderer". Things are getting worse now, the "Muslim mother" has hit my sister first, we denounce her and nothing happened because she is "Muslim" and if they do anything they are racist.. like some prototype of human told me "you are racist" playing the good boy-right hand of justice HA HA HA! I laugh on his prototype face out loud. I wasn’t generalizing, she did it when she death threat me saying that I don’t know Muslims and that soon I will know what it means a "Muslim man" **uhhh shaking shaking**.
Anyways makes me laugh too the hypocrisy of those who dare to say that they aren’t racist in any way.
My ears are tired to hear "f*** Jews", "f**** Italians" "f*** Frenchs" and the most popular, number one of top 10 "the so-called anti-America" or as I prefer United States of America. All of us in any way are racist, and the funny thing here is that I am mentioning the word "Muslim" but the one who is being discriminated, harassed, humiliated and suffering racism is my son, but for sure is not so bad, he is white and European, HE IS NOT THE TYPE OF CHILDREN WHO CAN SUFFER IT... He is 8 years old and he is under psychological treatment, suffering nervous anorexia and afraid to go to school.
I’ve been going to the school, talking with school inspector, but the Director of the school told me literally "we can’t do anything because he is Muslim" ... so my question is... what do I have to do? Became a Muslim change my name to Abdajalah Sarah Sheylah and cover my head with a scarf to have right to live peacefully???????
After follow all legal steps,after repressing me every day when seeing that beast that has been allowed to punch in the head to my son, two associations against the abuse to minors they are acting and finding another school for my children... YES I have to change both of them because they are not physically safe, the nature of this people is like a bomb time. I question again and again how can’t they see that this 8 years old aggressor is like the egg of a snake, for those who don’t know what I mean, the egg of a snake is transparent, you can see there is a a poisonous viper inside and if you don’t do anything is going to get out off the egg and poison because you can already tell is his nature ... please don’t let nature take its course this time cause this words for some one, some day not so long, are going to arrive too late.
"..we’d gather around all in a room fasten our belts engage in dialogue
we’d all slow down rest without guilt not lie without fear disagree sans judgement
we would stay and respond and expand and include and allow and forgive and
enjoy and evolve and discern and inquire and accept and admit and divulge and
open and reach out and speak up
This is utopia this is my utopia
This is my ideal my end in sight
Utopia this is my utopia
This is my nirvana
My ultimate.." **
** Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette
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