
ThE ReaSoN .......

ThE ReaSoN ....... Today I want to talk about how happy I am (cause I never show this “part of me”) and how silly we are most of the time missing non essential things. We use to think we don’t have enough money, enough beauty, the last computer on market, etc...We spend a lot of our time thinking in what others have or do, and how much we want “their” things. Geeee lets think for a minute, things we think are “normal” really are?
Stop for a second, am I writing? Means I have hands (hahaha silly woman) yes, maybe more than silly but how many people can’t write cause don’t have a computer ,do not know to write or ever worse don’t have hands....
Most simple things we have in life are the most important ones. But why we have the tendency to ignore them....
I am blessed with a lot of things, don’t care if you think I am being arrogant, but I am a beautiful intelligent woman, a good mother, a good daughter, a good professional but most of all a nice human been result of a life surrendered by love.
So I offer you, don’t care who you are, don’t care where you are, all that I have which is my simply and complicated LOVE.
I have a lot to spare and share, that’s the reason WHAT AM I HERE !!!!!!!

“....Show me a smile, don't be unhappy can't remember when I last saw you laughing when this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear just call me up, cause you know I'll be there...”

Please if YOU ever read this, share YOUR love with me ( know!!!!)

PS. Still waiting for a call....

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