ExPrEsS yOuR tRuE fElLiNgS...LiFe Is ShOrT

Dear JUHA: I thank God everyday for give to me the gift of you in my life. So pure soul, so strong heart, so sensitive and sweet. I was blessed with your friendship. You are always there and be sure I always will be there for you. Complain: No complains for you angel in a man body
Dear MARTAB: I guess I love you since the first time I see you. Our first sight relationship was amazing, I love the way you can make me feel. I love the fact you hate my so-dirty-way to speak, but still accept me. Complain: your icy silences, talk to me a little more often, please open your heart to me.
Dear PETER: What can I said about my feelings to you. I love you with the most deepest love a woman can have for a man. I remember every second we spent together I miss so much holding your hand in the car going to Toronto or wake up and see you there, right beside me. Or the last day we were together and you write the letter (which I keep with me) when I was taking my holy Nap. Complain: Why you never say to me I never loved you Carina......
Dear MARTALL: You rocks, how amazing complicity we have. It is a fusion of love when we look to each other eyes and we dont need to say a word. You finish my sentences and I finish yours. I like so much when we also say to each other I love you, or when we play like naughty girls. You actually put a smile on my face. Complain: dont run, running is not going to take you far more quickly.
Dear YOU: Why cant you just you read my mind ????????
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