FiNaL SeNtEnCe... ThE bLiSs Of FrEeDoM....

* My first words to you September 7th
* My particular version of OH CANADA I have recorded for you (Canadian national anthem)
* Our fist kiss Dec 8th
* The nickname I put you as "the faster runner of all times" (still smiling)
* All my kisses, my caresses, my I LOVE YOU...
* The laughs. The bliss I have felt every second we spent togheter.
* The first flower bouquet you had recieved in your life with the bear I sent to you for the six month anniversary of "knowing" and "loving you"
* The 15 days I've spent preparing you BD gift cause I was going to be in Italy (August 15th)
* My unconditional, deep and insane love for you.
* The fear I have felt when I saw the little plane in Montreal airport which I had to take to see you
* The promise ".. I will go there in 4 month or so..:"
* The hours I have spent in front of my computer just to see you came online (and you logging invisible)
* The airplane tickets and hotel accomodation to go to London togheter(the city you was born)
* The hours of Checz lessions I took to surprise you...
* The nights awake just because of the hour difference was better for you.
* The horrible sensation of know you was kissing other lips
* The sad discovery ... your lies, you avoiding and hiding of me.
* Your thousand excuses
* How much I have missed you and needed you.
* Your icy silences.
" that particular love encouraged me to leave at that particular moment I knew staying with you meant deserting me that particular month was harder than you'd believe but I still left at that particular time...." *
* THAT PARTICULAR TIME lyrics by Alanis Morissette
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