ToO mUcH LoVe CaNt KiLl YoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel I have to thank to a lot of people who these last day were lovely and support me in my London adventure. First I have to thanks Andrew(can't say to much.. he doesn't like to being mentioned huh) for telling me about the TY AnDrEw!!!!!!! To Zoe for buy the tickets, for contact me, for being such a TY ZoE!!! To Marta my dear friend for taking me to the airport and going to pick up me at insane hours, do you know I love you??? Of course you know it.... TY MaRtA!!!!! To all Londoners who send me tips and recommendation to make my trip easier like Hernan, Win, Leo, Andrew (not the first one) and sorry to forget a lot of you !!!!
Second Part: CoNcErT, sEx AnD tOuRiSm In LoNdOn
As most of the people who read my blog everyday knows I went to London to a concert, my beloved **am** . Was more than amazing, I saw again Vince (huh such a sweetie), I was in front row, and it was at the time the most exciting concert I ever seen. I can feel every single song... I jumped , I singed, I cried ...I can resume all just in one word I FELT!!!! She was a kind of lost, she forgot the lyrics and was a kind of funny, but I so love her that I dont even care and I dont even think about take a flight to London, spent a lot of money just to FEEL her.
As I was alone ...all people had all kind of excuses (they must know Peter XDDD ) to do not travel, so I have to love myself hahaha if you already read me, you already know what am I talking about. I almost record it or take photos to post it on my favourite community amateur p*** but I was more focused pleasuring myself (damn how naughty I am sometimes).
I also play a tourist....Londoners do you know how lucky are you living there? Such a beautiful city. I guess I made a sort of guiness record, with the insane hop on hop off, running behind the guards, praying in Saint Pauls Cathedral, getting 3 personal cards with mobiles number to get dinner (which I dont use) I dont fuck for a The Catamaran on Thames river was absolutely great, the eye, you really dont know how many places I visit in 24 hours!!!!! I so fucking love me!!!!!!!!!
Third Part: PeRsOnAl MeSsAgE
You already decide not to be with me there. Let me tell you something, you fucking messed up. We officially end.. and I feel a nice relief. So TY to you too.....
Fourth Part: TiMe To StArT tO MaKe ThInGs
No more NO to me or the others (well... dont take all my words literally huh) , no more shyness, no more wasting my time waiting for you, no more delays, no more excuses, no more hiding my feelings.........
MIND THE GAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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