ThEy WhOsE hEaRt iS fIrM aNd WhOsE cOnScIeNcE aPprOvEs ThEiR cOnDuCt WiLl PuRsUe ThEiR pRiNcIpLeS uNtO dEaTh....

I can spit on you, slap your face, annoy you and fuck you again and again and with a simple no meaning "I am sorry" get out of the situation with a ridiculous pretense of I've already repaired it... NO FUCKING WAY!!!
When we born we go into a kind of train, in it we find some people we think they are going to be with us forever in
this special trip: our parents. Regrettably, the truth is absolutely different.
They are going to get down in some station leaving us orphans of their affection and their irreplaceable company.
Nevertheless, other persons who will be very special, our brothers, friends and "those wonderful loves" are going to join
us. For some of them it will be a simple trip. Some will just find sadness. Lot of them when gone down are going to leave
an endless nostalgia. Some are going to pass unnoticed,We do not even realize that they have vacated their seat.
The trip is plenty of challenges, dreams, fantasies, waits and good-bye ...but never of returns...
The big mystery,finally, it's that we will never know in which station we will go down, less in which one are going
to go down our trip partners,not even the one that is sat in the side seat of us...
I remain thinking if when I goes down the train I will feel nostalgia... and yes for sure I will...
To separate of some friends with whom I did the trip will be painful. To allow that my children follows alone their way will be the most difficult thing. But I keep the hope that in some moment I will arrive to the main station and will live the great emotion of seeing them to come with a baggage that they did not have when we embark, and what will make me happier will be to think that I collaborated to make grow this baggage and make it more valuable.
Let's be honest, kind, let's collaborate to make others trip easier, say "I am sorry" when you really feel like you
have to say it, say every day I love you to someone, caress, hug and kiss every day someone, let other people knows
how much they mean for you, be nice, be human, dance, laugh, jump, play... and please don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear!
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Teacher -
Life is a train of moods like a string of beads; and as we pass through them they prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each shows us only what lies in its own focus
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Il grande segreto è camminare attraverso la vita senza essere consumati. E questo è possibile a chi non si appoggia su persone o su avvenimenti ma, in ogni circostanza, si riporta a se stesso e cerca in se stesso il senso ultimo delle cose. ALBERT SCHWEITZER