You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel ...

I feel completely powerless. Its amazing to see how easily people judge and reach a conclusión with absolute certainty "the truth about you and your life". You know what? There is absolutely no way I will agree to it...There is no point of trying to explain the sense of sadness inside of me, after all the fight to survive is still on ...I am not giving up without a struggle. I have two strong reasons that displace any thought of disappearing to stop the suffering ... Anyways can death release me from all that suffering?
this grief overwhelms me
it burns in my stomach
and I cant stop bumping into things
this loss is numbing me
it pierces my chest and I cant stop dropping everything *Too many endless & sleepless nights, too many tears...Emptiness, absence, silence, anger but more love than anything
"...per gridare in faccia allodio da che parte stai
ci vuole necessariamente amore sai
e oggi più che mai
amore contro chi lo tradirá
insieme contro laggressività
difendersi così a costo di rimanere
da soli contro
il resto del mondo
amore contro chi non sa che può liberare
amore dentro
in ogni senso per te..." **
* Simply together by Alanis Morissette** Amore Contro by Eros Ramazzotti
Dont you know you must say good-bye when you leave or dissapear?
Your so-called good mannered is under suspicion, actually not to me.
...Theres so much love in this world, and theres so much love in my heart, but sometimes I forget. Sometimes I think there isnt enough, or that theres just a small amount, so I hoard what I have or Im afraid to let it go. If theres a belief within me that says: I cant have, or Im not good enough, I think to myself: I am willing to let that belief go...
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