To LoVe AnD rEsPeCt ShOuLd Be ThE OnLy RuLz ....

These last days were a kind of so-weird-mixed feelings. I think when you are changing (whatever you change even your undies ) until you find the exact position you want to reach, your world shakes a lot, a kind of personal earthquake that can be 1 or 10 at Richter scale, in fact like real ones start with a little movements and then fffffffff goes on and on, and you dont know exactly how long is going to be you life in this no-end-rollercoaster-mess.
Respect yourself, love yourself it more difficult then respect others. And have others respect is one of the most greatest things you can have in you life. Of course love is the big one .... If respect and love rules your life anything can be bad or at least you are going to make less mistakes. Respect and love should be always together . You cant love without respect, and you cant respect without love.... Just impossible...
I have to thank the fact I dont hate. I use the word and know the meaning but I never feel it. I think really that we all were born as angels and life and so-called-civilisation turns as evils. As we all have a feminine and masculine part. I use to define myself as a SINNER&SAINT cause thats how I feel I am. In my SAINT side you will find the respectful, grateful, beautiful, never lie, no false CaREN.. In my SINNER side you will find the angry, outgoing teaser, absent, hard to forgive (have to work this last one) CaREN.
And you've never met anyone As negative as I am sometimes...
And you've never met anyone As positive as I am sometimes...
And you've never met anyone who's closed down as I am sometimes...
And you've never met anyone as everything as I am sometimes...**
**EVERYTHING lyrics by Alanis Morissette
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