
AnD aLL i ReAlLy WaNt Is SoMe PATIENCE....

AnD aLL i ReAlLy WaNt Is SoMe PATIENCE.... OuTrAgEoUs
I think I never mention I am a lawyer. At the age of 12 years old I decide I wanted to be a lawyer. I never have a doubt about it. So I went to University and make my career in 4 years and a half with goods notes. But I have to say that I NEVER BELIEVE IN JUSTICE. I think is a good human invent (sometimes good...most bad). Good to have live in a sort of “civilization”. Do you think is justice to defend a child rapier? I don’t think so... NO WAY
But I want to say something about an incident who hurts me a lot. We all are watching everyday cruel images. But the fact of a “person” making another one dig his own future grave, and then shoot him on the neck screaming to whole world DO YOU WANT TO SEE HOW AN ITALIAN DIE??? Makes me sick. It’s not because I am Italian. It is not because one “occidental” life worth more than a “oriental” one.
It is because nobody have the right to decide if we can live or not. Nobody can have the power to decide others people life. N O B O D Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t believe how an “insane” group people in the name of “who knows” can kill . I am not going to say who is right or not, cause nobody can neither say what is right or wrong. And I don’t even mind .... I AM JUST SICK !!!!!!
Do you believe in justice...NOT ME.......

4 comentarios

Jordan Trunner -

Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us, I am really significantly surprised after reading this weblog.

giusec -

Passo ad altro. Come vanno le cose dalle tue parti? E, soprattutto, come sei finita lì? Ciao, buon weekend. giusec

giusec -

Si. Una cosa terribile. Spero che l'incubo dei rapiti finisca presto...

Raquel -

Prelistada en el directorio de

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