WhY dO I sAy I'aM fInE wHeN iT's ObViOuS tHaT I'm NoT????

Don't know how to fight. Don't know wich path to follow. Don't know even if this path exists. I guess I don't know anything.
I don't want to mention my physical pains, first of all cause I will need a hundred pages just to start and second cause there are not which are killing me, my soul pain is.
That's why I have to keep living in my coconut, I feel safe in here, unhappy but safe. And no one can even unintencionally hurt me. But no one comes to rescue me anyway...so sad (laughing on me). I am not the right person to give advises but laugh on you always, I guess this is what keeps me fighting against all, like a salmon does against the running water.
why is it so hard to be objective about myself?
why do I feel frantic when I first wake up in the morning?
why do I care whether you like me or not?
why cannot I live in the moment? ..........
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