
TwIsTeD BrAiN ...EnJoY yOuR bOdIeS .....

TwIsTeD BrAiN ...EnJoY yOuR bOdIeS ..... WARNING: susceptible people can feel offend by such a topic. If you suffer close-minded illness or you are sexual-conservative PLEASE DO NOT READ.

OK now I can write freely about female masturbation. OH my... For men is something natural, it is like if you at the age of 12 years old don’t masturbate yourself you are a weird guy. Also exists a kind of “masturbation party” like a pyjama’s party. Guys together masturbating one in front of each other, betting how far their shoots arrive, or how big their penis are. Also lying about sexual relationship they never had. (just for the record).
But a woman masturbation was always a taboo no one in your family was proud if you “a girl” at the age of 12 known how to do it or what it is ... And how to learn it if nobody talks about it. When guys were in their “masturbation party” we were in our pyjama’s one. It is not that I am saying “mothers of the world” teach you daughter to masturbate. NO. Not saying neither “hey girls lets masturbate all together”. I am just wondering why we can masturbate us and say it without someone look at you thinking SLUT.
OK so I am a such a SLUT hahaahha ..... I like masturbation, I enjoy masturbating myself, I consider that masturbation helps you to learn about your body and you “G” points, making your sexual life real better. So forget all you about the myth, we woman enjoy it and do it less often then men do.....
You can use a lot of things, toys, whatever you want but personally I think “hand made” things are better. But never reject other possibilities...
So I will keep exploring my body and enjoying it. And now I have to stop writing because I have a hand-hard work to do..... XDDDDD

5 comentarios

Teacher -

what can i say.. hmmm
can i give you and hand? :D

Qetu -

:**** wanna some help, cutie?

tito -

simply, i agree. :)

Chris -

female masturbation has no difference from male masturbation.... only in the way you do it ;-)

AleRoots -

Hi Carina! I wasn't thinking that you write your blog in english, why this choiche?
You write good and cool things, I will surely come back reading, enjoy yourself! ;-)