It Is My ChOiCe ???????

Loneliness it is necessary and sometimes a really good state. So many times you need to feel alone with yourself to think , to love you, to hate you or just to hear your silences..
But this is not my case. I need someone who look at my eyes when I speak, who listen my sadness my happiness and handle my neurosis with patience.
Someone who when even do not share my feelings respect them. Who walks by my side without being called. To tell me the truths I DONT WANT TO HEAR even when he knows I can hate him for saying it.
In this world of skeptical people I need someone WHO BELIEVES in this mysterious things, discredited, almost impossible ..LOVE
Someone who do not fear to be loyal, simple and fair.. Someone who do not disappear if someday I lost my path , who receives my gratitude, my help, my extended hand, even when this could be a little thing or nothing to him. Someone who also share my parties, my wars, my joy and NEVER FEAR TEMPESTS. Someone who scream with me in a chorus LETS LAUGH about everything ,and laughs a lot.
Anyone available out there????????????????
3 comentarios
ruiwei -
Christopher -
Dude, I really understand what you're looking for. I hope you all the best luck.
Milsi -