GeT oUt..GeT oUtTa HeRe EnOuGh AlReAdY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can I do to break with past? Seems and sound so simply, It is past, just forget it . Is like I am a so-freak person. Do I have my eyes on my neck or my ass? I really dont know, but seems it is, normally with your eyes in your face you look forward, you have to turn around to see your past, but I have not to do it, I can see it without turning
I just can think of you and so long since I cant see you, so long since I cant hear you, so long since I cant touch you . How can be possible that you keep living in my heart and dont allowed to any other person to be there.. why dont you go away? I am not talking about the kind of distance we had since the time we met until now. I wish I can turn kilometres/miles (whatever) distance into heart distance.
Why do you have the power to make me feel that any other person is not good enough for me? Why do you have such a power to makes me run away for every man who wants to be with me?
Do I give you this so-power-control-of-my-f*cking-life? Do I? God I so hate myself sometimes!!!
Youre my damn NARCISSUS . I am so tempted to call you, to write you, to share with you my last months, my bliss and my darkness, but I know you are not there for me. I dont know what I wouldnt give to hear your voice again, to feel you hands on me, to look at your eyes But damn, you just made me and makes me cry, I dont want to suffer for you anymore most when I know I mean nothing for you Why you lie to me? Why you said ..I will go and you never came????? Well to be honest I dont if you came and never said it . I dont believe in you
What's the matter Mary Jane, you had a hard day As you place the don't disturb sign on the door I hear you're counting sheep again Mary Jane What's the point of trying to dream anymore .So take this moment Mary Jane and be selfish Worry not about the cars that go by All that matters Mary Jane is your freedom Keep warm my dear, keep dry **
** Mary Jane Lyrics by Alanis Morissette
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