I dOnT nEeD yOuR AtTiTuDe...I hAvE mY oWn

So I open the door.. took a deep breath and say to my children COME ON.. LETS GO TO SQUARE. And they start to jump and kiss me and say MOM I LOVE YOU!! Some simple thing can makes feel such great feelings...
By the way... I am a worker-mother-father-lawyer-sinner-saint ....and of course bitch!
Its so difficult to explain the effort you have to make to manage this situation and the rage against the other one who makes with you these little and beautiful and wonderful and... (I am their mother what do you want me to say??????) creatures. Yes, my ex-husband has an extraordinary free spirit... so he left me everything and do not take care about our children, actually dont even give them their money to live.. So I have to work, to be in a hundred places at same time like school, home, square, work, hospital, vacation. Oh my ..I am a Goddess!!!!!
My older its a boy and he wants to play football but I dont know to play it, so I design a football camp and explain him about the 90 minutes, 45 and 45 and .... but in a paper it is not the same. I try my best but he cant play... my explanation was not enough...
They are 6 and 4 years old and sometimes I am afraid about their futures thoughts about me. I just hope they love me and understand that I do my best with ATTITUDE!
Being mother-father worth , their smiles, kisses, hugs, words...their presence.
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