I bEcAmE iNsAnE wItT lOnG iNtErVaLs Of HoRrIbLe SaNitY

These last days I am a little tired to read people judging me and what I write and I consider the possibility to stop doing it. If you want to say something say it there or HERE that is the reason LEAVE A COMMENT exists!!!!! Someone get mad on me, someone want to know everything (more than they can read between the lines) you will be shocked to know how people investigates private things that I DONT WANT TO POST OR SAY. Other takes my words literally which is absolutely wrong ..
But as I wrote it on my first post this is a kind of relief, to write for me anything that comes to my head at the moment helps me to feel comfortable with myself. Being an openly writer blogger it is a good thing for me.. So I wont stop it.
Let me post this beautiful story that I like a lot: I walked with my father when he stopped in a curve and after a small silence he asked me: Do you "hear something more than singing of the birds? " I made worse later my hearings and some seconds after I responded him: "Yes, it is the noise of a cart." "That is" - my father said - it is "an empty" cart. I asked to my father: "How do you know that it is an empty cart, if we don't still see it? " Then my father responded: It is "very easy to know when a cart is empty, by reason of the noise. The more empty it is, bigger is the noise."
I became adult and until today when I see a person speaking too much, interrupting the conversation of all, being inopportune or violent, showing off of what has, feeling superior and minimizing people, or to those that cannot be without the stimulus of a television or of speakers that impede all dialogue type, I have the impression of hearing my father's voice saying: "The more empty the cart, bigger is the noise "
And at the same time, how happy the feel the heart when we see pass a replete cart of beautiful load. Silent .. Full ..
That is what I want ,open my heart to all of you and being replete of beautiful loads, and transmit and send it you through my words.
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