WaKe Me Up InSiDe .CaLl My NaMe AnD sAvE mE fRoM tHe DaRk!!!!

Do you think is nice to read Oh how happy I am, I am so beautiful, I am so-blonde with blue lighted eyes and my name is Barbie??????? If you think so you should stop reading me!!!! And I can write that I am in bliss (when I feel myself in bliss) I can tell you that I am absolutely happy cause my children are healthy and my friend Marta is insanely in love and a lot of things, but when I feel like a SHIT I just express how I feel.
Comes to my mind a beautiful song .There's a fossil that's trapped in a high cliff wall, there's a dead salmon frozen in a waterfall, there's a blue whale beached by a springtide's ebb, there's a butterfly trapped in a spider's web, That's my soul up there * Do you think having your soul up there supporting and suffering these injustices is being dark or realistic?. That is the way I conceive my life with my soul out there where the injustice is.
I know you are going to laugh on me right now ( and I love it ) but when the so-called-intellectual people say because sounds so-cultured they watch the Discovery Channel or TV shows: documentaries They just makes me sick. How damn you can watch kids dying, animals eating person or another animals?
What about the rapist (child rapist GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR) , hunters, killers, people dying because the angry, the lapidation (which is to bury a woman or a man to their waist ) and kill them with little pieces of stones so they can suffer much as possible before they die cause sharias law and his judges decide it, most of the times cause you have a child without being married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG. And I can write a book about these damn things!
I wasnt made for this life, I cant bear with this fucking mess called life!
PS: Rescue me save me from the dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*King of Pain lyrics by Sting& The Police
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