My UrGeNcY tO dReAm Of SoFtEr PlAcEs FeElS uNdErStAndDaBlE

To be honest I think is can not be able to leave my ass in the same place more than ...2 days??? I always need to keep moving, but in every single way. I can not live in the same country to many years, I can not stop travelling (every month I have to fly to other country). I do not want to work in the same place anymore but I wont quit neither , I do not want to pretend I am so-damn-fine or I am so-damn-bad, I want to stop sabotaging my bliss.
But I am pretty sure I don not want to be a bored-quiet-ass. This is also the reason what I always lived in cosmopolitan cities, I have to have all kind of things to do whatever I need to do what and when I want to do it. Which means l need my computer and my credit card near to me to buy a plane ticket to go to some **am** concert in some place in the earth. As I read myself I think damn I need with urgency a desert island!!!!!! I bet you are thinking the same thing.....
This sort of insane way to live can be absolutely dangerous but I can not say I do not live. Maybe the wrong thing is that I am loosing the present being so fast. I mean I live all what I want to live, I do all what I want to do but I guess I can enjoy it after doing it. And does not sound good. Should I feel or enjoy bliss after living it????? MmmMMmm desert island again!!!!
Anyway my dears I know my life is a real mess but who wants to be perfect and live a perfect life? Not me for sure. I love others reaction when they see me online on msn or yahoo and tell them I am packing to go to some place, or the eye expression when they ask me were you sick last monday, I did not see you at work and I answer no way, last monday I was in Paris...
Last months I met some people who use to live like I do, today here, tomorrow who knows (we does not know and do not want to know it).
My life flows like waterfalls, can someone stop a high and strong waterfall????
Dont you dare to try it....WAIT A SEC !!!!!!!! Well maybe if you come with me to Seychelles Island I can make a big effort and try to get some relaxed time, but just to come back to my so-damn-weird-fucking-absolutely-amazing&wonderful life.
...I wanna be big and let go this grudge that's grown old, All this time I've not known How to rest this bygone I wanna be soft and resolved clean state and released... *
note: feel free to join me to the Island, just give me a call XDDDD
*This Grudge lyrics by Alanis Morissette
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