YoU aRe ThE bEaReR oF uNcOnDiTiOnAl ThInGs, YoU aRe "My SpEcIAl FrIeNd", SpEcIaL fRiEnD wItH "bEnEfItS", tHaNkS fOr YoUr PaTiEnCE !!!!

I've wept so many time for so many different reasons, bliss, impotence, loneliness, joy, gratefulness and weird sensation of fortune, to many contradictory feelings in such a short
time. And here's the question again and again and again...How can I be so fucking lucky?
Is this situation normal? I mean being one of a few in millions ...
Everything seems so unreal and at the other hand it is real...
I've spent last months confused and stressed (huh such a high levels) but always something
comes to you life to change things for good or bad...but a changes are always welcomed.
This time were England, music and my special friend with benefits :=)
Dear V.T.G. (heeh sounds like a moto GP), roses are flowered and looks amazingly beautiful and
you know how much they've travelled, you will be surprised to see them, resistant ones like the owner :P
I wonder how we arrive to this point, I don't believe in coincidences and it's amazing how
you can make me feel so comfortable not just with you but with "myself" every time we are together.
"...Showing you every weakness and feeling strong for it...
Something that you said
Turned me from the inside out
Lying in my bed
Whispering your name out loud
And I feel so real
And it feels so right
Something that you said
Got through to me tonight ..." *
I wish I can spend more time with you cause you are a beautiful mind and soul, a true giver.
You are so silent and I am so noisy...
You look so relaxed and I look so stressed...
You are so provident and I am so spontaneous...
You look so shy and I look so forward (looks are deceiving don't you think?)
"...I'll be opinion-less and silent
I'll be the prettiest appendage to ever lose herself..."
PS: huh almost forgot something, I have to ask you something... Vincent would you marry me tonight
or you are too busy? okay okay what about tomorrow? Love you sweetie!!!!!
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