
KiSS Me....

I am pretty OUT OF ME right now, I am not going to tell you what am I do (hehhe) so maybe I can regret what I write right now. This kind of unconscious it is good to express thing you don’t want or can’t or feel ashamed to say.
Right now I am thinking about have sex (huh) and with someone in special (huh) his name is (huh) NO WAY!! I am not going to write it. He knows…
Ok.. I’ll tell you that I return to my work after a lunch and I guess I drink too much wine, which I never do, so don’t take my words literally.
Last night I find myself searching for a trip to London (I start to think with my low head…oops I haven’t) and thank God I am a so-repressed woman than I decide to delete of my mind this kind of dangerous thoughts!!! Hahaha I am laughing of myself …so sad..
Let me tell you that a lunch with Cuban people can be dangerous, most if you don’t drink *blink*blink*.
I guess I am laughing because I wont cry anymore, so I have plans, but the bad part ca is I can’t do it by myself, always I need the other fucking *blooding * part forever …So be prepared, I am starting to lose my fear of bliss, my shyness and my repressive thoughts.
You have my mobile number no? Waiting…..A lots of kisses and hugs and e v e r y t h i n g !!!

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