I aM aWaRe NoW ...

1) Next destination: London, Paris, Rome... Who knows? Not me (and I am the one who is going to travel huh...) Lets see London *rejected* for now , Rome (mMmMm I have too much family there and I want to be alone, dont think so) Paris prepare yourself!!!!!! Number 1 resolved.
2) number 2 gee is CaREN in second place, so-unfair..... Maybe cause it is being so complicated, more then I ever expected.
I was exploring in my mind trying to discover who and how CaREN is. As I can not find the answer I decide to go to *dictionary* and says CaREN: woman characterised by an excessive, persistence and often irrational Fear-of-Bliss.... Also find that she lives in an own-made Coconut, almost impenetrable for most of the people. Just a few are allowed to be in touch with it. She is living there in an indefinitely state of fight-or-fight. Her coconut had a powerful protective mechanism against bliss. She is always in Red alert (so fashioned word) trying to avoid everyone/everything that could makes her happy.
Oh my God this so-dangerous, I am talking about myself in third person ....this is my house no? I dont see any doctors around so It is OK, I am not in a psychiatric *sign*
WARNING: I am sweet, sensitive, loves to give caress and cuddles, and kisses and love. (Sounds like a commercial, sounds like I am selling myself??? )
REWARD: A lots of everything to a very tough person (a real Hero, a kind of Superman or Power puff girls ) who can open my Coconut and help me to get out and teach how to live in FREEDOM. Big responsibility... biggest reward .....
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