EvEn tHoUgH yOu MaY nOt BeLiEvE mE....

Every time I think of you I always catch my breath....And I'm still standing here ...And you're miles away....And I'm wondering why you ARE NOT HERE???.......
The TAJ MAHAL is one of the most beautiful (if not the most one) monuments of the world, but not only architectural speaking , but the meaning of it The monument of the eternal love.
In 1612, Arjumand Banu Begam, better known by her other name , Mumtaz Mahal was married to Shah Jehan (then Prince Khurram), the fifth mughal emperor. This marriage, although the emperor's second, was a real love-match, and Mumtaz was her husband's inseparable companion on all his journeys and military expeditions. She was his comrade, his counsellor, and inspired him to acts of charity and benevolence towards the weak and the needy. She bore him fourteen children, and died in childhood in 1630 (only three years after his accession to the throne) Overpowered by grief, Shah Jehan was determined to perpetuate her memory for immortality and decided to build his beloved wife the finest sepulchre ever - a monument of eternal love. After twenty-two laborious years, and the combined effort of over twenty thousand workmen and master craftsmen, the complex was finally completed in 1648 on the banks on the river Yamuna in Agra, the capital of mughal monarchs.
Love known no limits, no boundaries, no miles..... But only privileged can understand it, feel and live what I am writing.
My humble opinion as one of the privileged who understands that nothing, no one, not even dead can separate a soul from their other soulmate , when you start to hear things like I live in New Jersey you're too young or you're too old, You are too white, to rich, to intelligent, to, to , to ...TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!! (oops Hi Peter I am speaking like you master of the excuses XDDD don't sue me for use just a few ones ) just means your
so-desire love simply do not feel same as you. Now depends of you take the excuses, when the other person is not capable to tell you the truth you dont even want to hear, and with a pair of ...(this thing that some men by nature and some by strength have between his legs ) fight against all odds.
Personally I wouldnt give up with this, I would build you the monument I think you deserve and if it is a TaJ MaJaL one I will do it , you bet, you will win.......
And I'm sending you this signal today You don't know How desperate I've become ... And it looks like I'm losing this fight.. Am I???????
How long can I stay haunted by you ..............
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