LiKe An AbAnDoNeD hOuSe DuStY-cOvErEd FuRnItUrE sTiLl InTaCt

I have submerged my mind in the deepest of my gateways of reality, my children, my music and of course the damned pills.
And again, and again, and bloody again" to keep smiling when you are thinking of killing yourself?..:" I know, I know that thinking that finishing with your existence can solve any problem sounds horrible and unfair for all those people that are dying and want to live, and stupid because there are no place so far to escape, your mind which is your "main problem" now, will be always with you. But feelings does not have explanation and they are stupid, uncompressible and unrestrained. Why we love, why we hate? Can you explain it? Not me.
Oh melancholy, silent company Solitude, breath of rose say me who can stay with me. Melancholy comes to me advanced, comes so slow, comes with a slight dance of the space I yield, make myself faded and I fly like a bird, slow ship in the breeze, soft blue grief ...
You are killing me so slowly. What are you expecting from me? how long hurting me?
How deep must be the wound to satiate your voracious appetite and your untiring necessity to see me begging for a second of peace in my life? I don't want to hear anymore shouts. Why to shout when the other person is to your side? It is not possible to speak to him in low voice? Why outcries to a person when you are angered? When two people are angered, their hearts move away much. In order to cover that distance they must shout, to be able to be listened to. While more angered they are, stronger they will have to shout to be listened to one another one through that great distance.
When they discuss do not leave its hearts move away, they do not say words that distance more to them, will arrive a day in which the distance is so much that will not find plus the return way.
I promise to stop shouting, because against all odds as I wrote astitle I feel myself like an abandoned house dusty-covered,(but)Furniture(my heart) still Intact
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Para vos, quien sabe... -
You made a fool of everyone
You broke the rules
You layed it down for all to see
However big you think you are
Sexy Sadie the greatest of them all.
Si, la mas grande de todas, tan grande como la marca que llevo conmigo. Imborrable.