CaUsE eVeN tHe ImPoSsIbLe Is EaSy WhEn We GoT eAcH oThEr ...

This subject affect me in a painful way. I have been rejected because of so-called-distance, well this was the excuse at the time. But people who use to think you can not have a long distance relationship (in any way I repeat) never experienced the ABSENCE of the PRESENCE???? I mean never feel that someone so close to them, people living with them are absolutely absentees?? That they can not ask for help to them and the far-away-people were there to help... That the physically near never made them feel what the far ones made it? Miles are just in their minds.....
When I feel something special for someone nothing is impossible, I had crossed the ocean just to be with someone. I moved to another country and I will do it a million times more if it was necessary. I have missed so much this feelings, this thoughts, this so-close-stomach, this permanent smile ( I feel myself like a ridiculous-smiling-statue) and I love it... For real when you loves does not love in a crazy way , loves like an idiot and it shows. I so hate myself saying stupid sentences (OK more than I used to do...lets be honest) writing interminable e-mails with a fixed smile, lost myself in the space thinking I wish, how I wish you were here... , put angry face when I see a couple showing their damn happiness ( I am so crazy about you.....), the shock I felt anytime I receive one of your off-line messages, an e-mails, a phone call or just seeing you online keep this damn-silly-smile on my face!!!!! (and my tongue out as always hehe). Just close your eyes and kiss me...that is all I want from you right now!
...And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war
for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
year after year
Running over the same old ground
What have we found?
The same old fears
Wish you were here... **
PS: Can you handle this mon chèri?????
** WISH YOU WERE HERE lyrics & music Waters, Gilmour PINK FLOYD
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