BuT nOw I fEeL aLoNe My FeElInGs TuRn To StOnE mY hEaRt MaKeS nO aPoLoGiEs....ThEoRiZiNg AnD rEsSuMiNg ThE cIrClE oF lIfE...

I am going to keep with me all the good memories, as I said I realise I was wrong first of all distance wouldn't change anything, make stronger the pain for the ones who stay here, but is a selfish feeling. And hate, "hate" is not in my vocabulary and I firmly believe that hate consume your mind and also your body, shows the worst part of you and kills you even when you can feel you are breathing. To hate is just to fill yourself with pain and this pain sooner or later is going to consume your sould and body...
"...Forse cambierà nella testa della gente la mentalità di chi ascolta ma non sente prima che il silenzio scenda su ogni cosa quel silenzio grande dopo l´aria esplosa...."
I've never felt this loneliness before, phisic-mind-soul-immense solitude... It is so hard to explain the incoherent duplicity of need it and can't stand it. I don't want to hear noise including words, but I can't hear silence anymore. So how do I hear when I wont hear and how do I start to hear if ....
I will resist and persist and accept there are so many thing that I can't change because it's life and has no expanation. In the meantime I will be fighting, smiling, loving and enjoying the things I was blessed with...
"...because I can't not ..because I can't not
because I can't afford to be misread one more time
would it be whining if I said I needed a hug?
would you feel slighted if I said your love's not enough?
and how can I complain?
and how can I complain when I'm the one that reaches for this?
why do you affect me? why do you affect me still?
why do you hinder me? why do you hinder me still?
why do you unnerve me? why do you unnerve me still?
why do you trigger me? why do you trigger me still? ..."**
** Can't not lyrics by Alanis Morissette
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