ThE oNlyY wAy OuT iS ThRoUgH... ThE oNlY wAy We'Ll FeEl BeTtEr ....

I met Raul in a seminary, three years later of being released of a kidnapping. His kidnappers had him locked up it in a closet during six months moored with chains. He spoke to me with a total enthusiasm full of illusions and affection, he seemed happy in spite of having supported a so painful and destructive experience.
- Don't you feel rage or resentment against your kidnappers? - I asked to him openly -.
He watched to me, and rubbed his face with his hands and became gloomy for a moment.
-I Just left, - responded with firmness -, it was not easy.
My desperation and my resentments were my worse torture, but one day I decided no longer to load these chains.
- What are you talking about? - I said intrigued -.
- I was kidnapped with another person, - he said -,we both were released at the same time. Later I found him , with rage and bitter ,he only spoke about his past, the irreversible damage that they had caused to him, the cruel which they had been, and the happiness he would experience the "justice"day became.
He kept silence for a moment, as if he was reviewed his own reflections.
- You know? - after a pause he continued - seeing this person I realized that it was the same that they had released him , that his body was free, because he had decided to continue kidnapped in his mind, in his pain, in his past. He preferred to think in his kidnappers but enjoy his family, nor of the possibility of constructing the present nor the future .
- But, How can be forgotten something so hard? - I followed interrogating him -.
- My kidnappers took of my freedom to me, but I do not going to allow that they took my peace , if I continue feeding this resentment, I will be giving my life to them, is like I chose to take them with me at every moment, for the rest of my life. Nor my beloved ones or me deserve that, **the true revenge will be my happiness**, to leave them back and enjoy every moment of my life.
He made a pause and he watched forwards with a happy expression.
- True chains - he concluded - we have them in our mind when we decided to continue become attached to pain, to the resentment or the past.
This is worse than a dark closet, - he said with emphasis and he continued
-I prefer that my people remember me like somebody who knew to gather the joy of the life and not like somebody that remained feeding the rage and autocompasion.
Which are the chains that we could to begin to loosen now? Which are the past or present events that we can let feed with rage or pain?
At every moment we can decide to aggravate our wound or to begin to heal it for the rest of our lives...
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