So DoN't Be AfRaId To LeT tHeM sHoW yOuR tRuE cOlOrS aRe BeAuTiFuL lIkE a RaInBoW...

help a soul, and will learn that to love means to rest, and that company not
always means safety.
You will begin to learn that the kisses arent contracts, nor gifts, nor
promises. You will begin to accept your faults with the head up looking to
the front, with the grace of a child and not with the sadness of an adult
and will learn to construct today all your ways, because the area of
tomorrow is uncertain for the projects and the future has the habit of
falling down in the emptiness.
After a time you will learn that the sun is too hot if you expose yourself
too much. You will accept even that the good persons might hurt you
sometimes and will need to forgive them. You will learn that to speak can
relieve the pains of the soul. You will discover that you need years to
construct confidence and only a few seconds to destroy it.
You will learn that the new friendship continues growing in spite of the
distance, and that does not matter that it is what you have, but for whom
you have in the life, and that the good friends are the family that we allow
ourselves to choose. You will learn that we do not have to change friends,
if we are ready to accept that the friends change. You will realize that you
can spend good moments with your better friend doing anything or nothing,
only for the pleasure of enjoying his company.
You will discover that often you take carelessly the persons who more matter
for you and because of it always we must say to these persons that we love
them, because we never be sure of when it will be the last time that we see
them. You will learn that the circumstances and the environment that
surrounds us has the influence on us, but we are the only ones responsible
for what we do.
You will learn that patience needs practice. You will learn that when you
feel anger, you have right to have it, but it does not give you right to be
cruel. You will discover alone because someone does not love you the same
way that you want, it does not mean that does not love you with everything
she or he can, because there are persons who love us, but they cannot
demonstrate it like we do. Not always is a enough being excused by someone,
often you will have to learn to excuse you itself to you.
You will learn that with the same severity with which you judge, also you
will be judged and in some moment condemned. You will learn that does not
matter if your heart split in a million pieces, the world does not stop in
order that you arrange it. You will learn that the time is not anything that
could turn back , therefore, you must cultivate your own garden and decorate
your soul, instead of hoping that someone brings you flowers.
Love yourself, spread love, say I love you more often...Love!!!!!!!!!!
Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost,
sometimes unrecognized, but in the end,
always found with no regrets, forever valued
and kept treasured .
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