D-dAyS aNd StRuCtUrE...rEsPoNsIbIlItY...CoMpUlSiVe YeaArNiNgS nOn-StoP tO pLeAsE oThErS...

Living in this structured life and being as usual "the beast of burden" start to make me feel more than upset and outrageous, it's simply driving me crazy (more and more every day) is now when people should be grateful to be far far away from me.
Complaining-woman is back. I need to spit out so many things....Let's go, speak to me, tell me everything what is happening to you now, because when your soul is alone weeps...you should take everything out as the spring does... nobody wants things dying deep inside, speak to others looking at the eyes, take out things and thoughts in order that inside can born new things,that's what I want, that's what I need.. new things.
So now when you think you are "nearly" to know what you want how to get it? huh tough to answer.
We used to think too many d-days, too much responsibility can kill us but noooo, it's a kind of life sweet revenge, a fucking-slowly sufferance. But what can we do? Absolutely nothing or use this scape-via to complain about things that then when you see real world sufferance sounds so ridiculous, even when is not, because our problems are our world..our darn life...
But I have my right to complain, I can't stand structures, I wont go through d-day "daily", I wont carry with all responsibility (just mine, my weight...metaphorically speaking of course) so get outgha here with your stupid things, I wont compulsively yearning everyday just to please you. I notice everyday that I wont be anymore an ear-person to every asshole who wants to come and make my brain explode with stupidity, non-sense situations, words that actually I just can't understand.
Having lunch with a colleague I've said that I feel myself in other dimension, I feel like I've lived 70 years, I had since today a full and inmense and in both ways horrible and beautiful life(most beautiful to be honest). But I can say out load that I had lived intensely every moment of my life.
I feel also like an hibernating bear with my stand-by life, walking in circles, closing bridges to avoid anyone approach me and also shocked for allow me being for the first time in my life selfish. I promise "...to be harm-free and distress-less (trust me)...) but I need you...
Are you out there for me? I also promise to give you my hand, grab your and pull to have you close as possible to me,to be able to hear you breath and let you hear my heartbeats, smiling as always...
"...How to keep people at arm's length and never get too close
How to mistrust the ones you supposedly love the most
How to pretend you're fine and don't need help from anyone
How to feel worthless unless you're serving or helping someone..." *
* 8 easy steps lyrics by Alanis Morissette
3 comentarios
Mário -
Many kisses to you,
Mário -
Yes, I'll out of there for you... Kisses