ThErE's A bUtTeRfLy TrApPeD iN a SpIdEr'S wEb ....BuTtErFlY a.k.a CaREN a.k.a. QuEeN oF pAiN ...

There is not place to far to go, there is no way to escape, there is no soul out there.
I appeal again and again to my more effective gateway... music. I crawl into the notes and get lost in the space where everything is OK, where nothing fucked me, where everything is so soft and weightless."....Musica è guardare più lontano e perdersi in se stessi la luce che rinasce e coglierne i riflessi su pianure azzurre si aprono, su più su i miei pensieri spaziano ed io mi accorgo che che tutto intorno a me...musica è..."*
But, but , but ...Je voyais la réalité, qui est le plus puissant des hallucinogènes.... And when the music stops reality is waiting for me ready to attack like a hungry wolf in the mountain. And yes, my reality is the most powerful hallucinogen.
The butterfly a.k.a CaREN was trapped again and tries to figure how to be liberated while observes as the spider approaches very slow towards her with the only intention of devouring her slowly, and what can she do? How to escape from a spiderweb?
I can't complain nor protest about my loneliness cause "I've been out of reach and separatist heaven forbid average (whatever average means)". The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. huh I feel like Eminem..... We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.
So I invite you too to follow as I am going to do these immense, wise and incredible words:
"Always have present that...
The skin wrinkles, the hair becomes white,
the days turn into years.
But the important thing does not change,
your force and your conviction do not have age.
Your spirit is the duster of any spiderweb ,
behind of every line of arrival, there is one of departure;
While you are alive, feel alive; if you miss what you used to do,turn
to do it.
Do not live of yellow photos,
Keep going even when the whole world waits for you to give up.
Do not allow oxidize the iron that exists in you.
Instead of pity, make people respect you
When because age you could not run, jog; when you could not jog
walk, when you are not able to to walk use the cane.
* Musica è lyrics Eros Ramazzotti
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