LoOkS aRe DeCeIvInG

Do I sound conceited???? Do I sound authoritarian ??
Dont sweeten my ears with so-make and fake sentences. I can hear you but I am not going to listen you Do you make out the difference???? I know I am not your favorite & sweet & lovely Italian lady.
Next week is going to be decisive for us. So please my sweet A take off your clothes (OH MY!! That is second part!!!!!!!!!!!) Hahah Sorry I cant help it, you really turn me on and you know that. I want to ask you to stop being in this permanent defensive state with me .
Sweetie feel free to kiss me, to touch me, to caress me .Lets make love I will guide you just because your shyness Let me discover with my sense and body every single part of you. Let me taste you.. Let me explore you. Let me show you how HIGH I can make you feel. Take some risks you wont regret ..
I love your duplicity.. I declare you my MR .Duplicity so shy-so naughty. I already see both parts. Now let me feel them.
I know every night we both are trying to provoke the other, to rebuke each other, but no one give the first step. I am doing it now! I am allowing myself to really know you (swearing on the Bible with my right hand ha ha) ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE US THE CHANCE?????? If you dont Common sense Will slap me in the face.. And yet I calm dissent.. Embarrassed by your obvious Indifference!!!
But I persist and speaks louder that I know
But I resist you love not matter how low or high I go
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