I mAy ApPeAr To Be FrEe BuT I'm JuSt A pRiSoNeR oF yOuR lOvE .

...Ma questa volta abbassi gli occhi e dici noi resteremo sempre buoni amici,
ma quali buoni amici MALEDETTI!!. Io un amico lo perdono mentre a te ti amo...
But certainly I have to say that I love these contradictories and beautiful emotions you make me feel, this amazing feeling of falling asleep thinking about you and wake up in the same way that Ive missed so much. I was fighting so long against this, I was so closed on my self-made-coconut, so safe in my dark and loneliness. And here you are rocking my bases, opening my mind, making me feel so-damn-good as I dont allowed to myself since .you know .. .No-one on earth could feel like this. Im thrown and overblown with bliss there must be an angel (you sweetie) playing with my heart
Read my mind, love me, caress me, sexualise me, stay with me but dont lose your place nor invade mine, but stay close enough to hear you breath, to smell your presence, to feel your skin, to look at your eyes. Talk to me, grab my soul again and again, come back, turn around and kiss me, ..I need your touch, your love, kisses and such .
Won't you come see about me
I'll be alone, dancing --- you know it will be me
Tell me your troubles and doubts
Giving me everything inside and out
Love's strange --- so real in the dark
Think of the tender things
That we were working on
Slow change may pull us apart
When the light gets into your heart
Don't you try and pretend
It's my beginning
We'll win in the end
I won't harm you
Or touch your defences
Vanity, insecurity
As you walk on by
Will you call my name **
*La mia storia tra le dita - Gianluca Grignani
** Dont you forget about me Simple Minds
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